Libre office crashes when saving from .docxs to odf
Libre office crashes when saving from .docxs to odf

libre office crashes when saving from .docxs to odf

If getting things like spacing, bulleted paragraphs and picture captions right isn't reasonably obvious to a fairly experienced (but admittedly not expert) user, then that says something about the UI, doesn't it? I realize some of my problems are due to my not understanding various processes, but then again, I've been using OOWriter & OOCalc for many years, and have been able to write and correctly format 98% of my novel in it. I can't believe how much time I am spending on OOWriter instead of my novel. Luckily I saved the document before trying this, so I'm not in trouble.

libre office crashes when saving from .docxs to odf

It's my guess it lost that temporary document somehow. I think some of them are due to it trying to recover the temporary file that is created while working on an OOWriter document.

libre office crashes when saving from .docxs to odf

I have a screenshot of the PDF Export Settings plus 6 screenshots of the various error messages that were displayed during the recovery process. I tried to FILE | EXPORT AS PDF my novel, and twice OOWriter has crashed.

Libre office crashes when saving from .docxs to odf